Meet K’Lea & Adison! These two love birds are tying the knot on September 6, 2020 at The French Farmhouse Venue!

How did you and Adison meet?
We originally met at a mutual friend’s birthday party in May 2015. There was definitely some flirting going on from my end (K’Lea), but according to Adison, he didn’t pick up on it because he “saw her and immediately decided [he] would never have a chance with this girl”. We saw each other a few more times at the college ministry we attended, but it was a lot more of the same thing- me having a huge crush on this guy and him not receiving ANY signals because of his preconceived notions about me, and not paying any attention to me because of it. Then, Adison seemingly disappeared until May 2016 because of his work schedule. He reappeared at our college ministry (with several more inches of beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair I might add-he had a buzz cut before) and I basically SWOONED. I still remember exactly what he was wearing that day. I nonchalantly took note of which table he set his stuff on for the service, and set my stuff at the table right by his so that I could “bump” into him at some point. I couldn’t focus the whole service because I kept staring at him (what a creep, right?). After the service was over, I “bumped” into him and said something along the lines of “Wow, haven’t seen you in awhile! What are the odds we would sit right next to each other?!”. We talked for a bit and then later I asked him and one of our mutual friends, Xavier, to go to Waffle House. Adison and I ended up going right away but Xavier drove by and decided not to go in because he saw us talking and laughing with one another. I am so happy he did. For awhile, the relationship seemed like a super flirty friendship. I was transferring to Baylor in the fall and was trying my hardest not to date anyone before I left. But the super flirty friendship grew into what we deemed a “summer romance” which completely failed because we’ve now been together for over 3.5 years. We’ve been long distance for 2.5 of those years and will finally be in the same city in a week! I am so thankful for our relationship and love reflecting on how it all began.

How did he propose?
Adison proposed on December 7th, 2019, the day after my birthday. He had a lot of fun stuff planned out for that weekend (a lot of which I figured out and became a little suspicious). On Friday the 6th, the night of my birthday, we went and watched a live show of our favorite podcast: Crime Junkies. On Saturday, we went and watched the Big 12 Championship between Baylor and OU, and then went to my favorite restaurant in Dallas. The one part I didn’t figure out was that we would be going to watch The Nutcracker afterwards-my favorite ballet that I have loved since I was in it in 6th & 7th grade. The show was amazing, and afterwards we started walking out and I noticed that Adison was acting a little weird. It was FREEZING outside so I was insisting that we walk to the car, but he kept saying “Hold on, I want to look at this thing over here”. In this moment I was freaking out inside because I knew what was coming. We were walking around a large reflection pool under some trees filled with christmas lights, and out of nowhere I saw my dad. I asked what was going on and Adison started saying something along the lines of “I have loved you for 1,284 days, but that’s not enough for me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He got down on one knee, his voice shaking like crazy and his hands doing the same, and said “Will you marry me?”. I honestly didn’t really remember much of what he said because I was just waiting to say “YES!!!!”. All of our closest friends and family were there, and we had our photographer friends take pictures of all of it. The whole night felt like such a dream.

Why did you chose The French Farmhouse Venue?
We chose the French Farmhouse because it was so different from the other venues we had looked at that had left a very bitter taste in our mouths. When I say different, I mean that the whole experience felt very personal and special. Michelle made it feel like home and we felt like it was more about us and creating a very special day than it was about the venue receiving a check. Michelle designed everything with such purpose, and the venue is surrounded by so much beautiful, quiet space that is away from all the noise. We love that we have the ability to come back and revisit the place where we got married and pray on the prayer trail, and all of the really special touches that have gone into this venue. We are so excited to get married here!!!

What are you most excited about getting married?
We are most excited about just getting to experience everything together, and being in the same town with our best friend. Experiencing new life stages, the pursuit of different goals, and being together during successes and in failures. The ability to have your best friend by your side through everything will be the sweetest blessing.